ETH Camera Settings Control Documentation

This documentation is generated from the ETHCamera API settings source code. This API gives the user an easy way to change the settings of any Ethernet camera that follows the ISO17215 standard.

You can view a list of functions here.

How to create the API:

using namespace CrossControl;
std::string ipAddress = "";
const int portNumber = 5004;
ETHCameraSettings ethCamSettings = new ETHCameraSettings(ipAddress, portNumber);
ETHCamStatus ret = ethCamSettings->open();
if(ret == E_OK)
//You are ok!

How to send a message:

//This struct will be filled by the API
CamStatus camStatus;
ETHCamStatus ret = ethCamSettings->getCamStatus(camStatus);
if(ret == E_OK)
//Use camStatus

For an example of Service Discovery see this page.


Version 1.1

  • Updated with new API naming.

Version 1.0

  • This is the first version.

Known Issues

  • When making several calls to the library, there might be an application failure if a new call is made without waiting for the response from the camera of the previous call.