Installation guide

Supported platforms

  • i.MX 8

    • CCPilot V700

    • CCPilot V1000

    • CCPilot V1200

  • CORE i7

    • CCPilot X1200



  • Qt-6.4.1


  • Qt-6.5.3


  • Qt-5.15.2

Installing CC Web browser

i.MX 8


  1. Download ccwebbrowser_1.4.0_<target-display>.ipk from the support site under:
    Web browser module -> Downloads -> Device Download -> CC Linux 3.0 -> <target-display>

  2. Transfer the ipk package to device

  3. Run opkg install ‘package-name’

  4. Edit the /opt/ccwebbrowser/config/browser.conf file to add your url.

  5. By default the web browser is running with Qt platform switch -platform eglfs. If the browser should run as a wayland client, edit the ccwebbrowser.service systemd script and change the platform to -platform wayland instead.

  6. Now the web browser should automatically start at boot


  1. Download ccwebbrowser_1.2.0_<target-display>.ipk from the support site under:
    Web browser module -> Downloads -> Device Download -> CC Linux 2.0 -> <target-display>

  2. Transfer the ipk package to device

  3. Run opkg install ‘package-name’

  4. Edit the /opt/ccwebbrowser/config/browser.conf file to add your url.

  5. By default the web browser is running with Qt platform switch -platform eglfs. If the browser should run as a wayland client, edit the ccwebbrowser.service systemd script and change the platform to -platform wayland instead.

  6. Now the web browser should automatically start at boot



  1. Download ccwebbrowser_1.4.0_<target-display>.ipk from the support site under:
    Web browser module -> Downloads -> Device Download -> CC Linux 3.0 -> <target-display>

  2. Transfer the ipk package to device

  3. Run opkg install ‘package-name’

  4. Edit the /opt/ccwebbrowser/config/browser.conf file to add your url.

  5. By default the web browser is running with Qt platform switch -platform eglfs. If the browser should run as a wayland client, edit the ccwebbrowser.service systemd script and change the platform to -platform wayland instead.

  6. Now the web browser should automatically start at boot


Please refer to our Knowledge Base for further information and troubleshooting guides.