CCAux API reference
CCAux Documentation


This documentation is generated from the CCAux source code. CCAux (CrossControl Common Aux control) is an API that gives access to settings, features and many hardware interfaces; backlight, buzzer, diagnostics, frontled, lightsensor and analog video interfaces.
The API is available for multiple platforms and operating systems:
Linux on the legacy platforms (supported in an older version of the API):
XA, XS, VC, VA, XM, VI2, VS and X900.
Linux on the current platforms (supported in the latest version of the API):
X1200, V700 and Yukon platform (CCpilot V1000, V1200, V510, V710, V705) products in all variations.
Windows (XP, 7, 8, 10) on the X900, X1200, XM and XL platforms.

The known issues and changelog presented here also cover the following CrossControl applications (which are using the API and are released in conjunction with it):

  • ccsettings
  • ccvideo
  • ccsettingsconsole
  • touchcalibrator
  • ccauxd

Go directly to the functions by class or the table of supported functions per platform.


Version - All platforms

  • License of the API and related sources changed to LGPLv2.1
  • Add mcp2210 proxy for improved SPI performance (X900)
  • Add ROHM BU2730 light sensor userspace driver (X1200)
  • Support standalone compilation of the API in the CC Linux SDK
  • New function AuxVersion_getAllCanFdMcuVersions()
  • Add bootmode configuration support (X1200)
  • Bugfix: Possible corruption after SS and IOMCU update

Version - All platforms

Version - All platforms

Version - All platforms

Version - All platforms

Version - All platforms

Version - Yukon platforms

Version - Yukon platforms

Version - VS, VI2, X900, Yukon platforms

Version - Yukon platform

Version - V700 platform

  • Change: Removed CAN_POWER and invalid backlight control (V700)
  • ccsettingsconsole: Removed unsupported features. (V700)
  • ccsettingsconsole: Bugfix: –about=RawEEPROM prints segfault. (V700)
  • ccsettingsconsole: New feature: CPU temp can now be read. (V700)
  • ccsettingsconsole: New feature: Added support for setting minimum automatic backlight intensity. (ALL)
  • ccsettingsconsole: New feature: Added support for beep settings. (V700, VS)
  • ccsettingsconsole: New feature: Added support for setting boot and post-boot LED settings. (V700, VS, VI2)
  • ccsettingsconsole: Bugfix: Wrong order for ADC voltage strings (V700)

Version - XL5, V700 platforms

  • Backlight parameters settable from registry (CCAuxService - XM9-Win, XL5-Win)
  • Initial release for v700 platform

Version - XL5 platform

  • Bugifx for Video_getDecoderReg which was broken in (XM,XL)
  • Initial release for XL5 platform

Version - XM9 platform

  • Removed telematics support (XM9)
  • Removed suspend support (XM9-Windows)

Version - XM9-Win platform

  • Support for SS firmware update over SPI (XM9-Win)
  • Now supporting the Config_getOnOffSignalState function (XM9)

Version - XM9, VS, VI2 platforms

  • Suspend support added - VS platform
  • NTSC video support added - VS platform
  • Bugfix in several Backlight functions. No longer allow automatic BL for devices without light sensor.
  • Bugfix for About_getUnitSerial() - VS platform
  • Bugfix: Config_set/getOnOffTriggerMode now returns ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED when used with SS older than as using Config_setOnOffTriggerMode could make the device not able to boot with older SS versions - VS platform
  • New function AuxVersion_getCanFdApiVersion() - XM9 platform
  • New function AuxVersion_getFullOSVersion()
  • New funciton AuxVersion_getFullCCAuxVersion()
  • ccsettingsconsole: Added error message if user tries to update SS from normal system - (VS & VI2)
  • ccsettingsconsole: Added support to get/set CAN-FD data baud rate - (XM9)
  • ccsettingsconsole: System Report added (ccsettingsconsole –about=SystemReport)
  • ccsettings: Added support to get/set CAN-FD data baud rate (XM9)
  • ccsettings: Tag names of CCAux and OS versions are now shown in version tab and in the system report
  • ccsettings: Added CAN-FD MCU to version tab (XM9)
  • ccsettings: Added CAN-FD MCU SW update & verification (XM9)

Version - XM2, XM9, VS, VI2 platforms

Version - XM2 platform

Version - VS and VI2 platforms

Version - VC platform

Version - VI2 platform

Version - XM9 platform

  • See separate release notes.

Version - all platforms

Version - XM9 platform

  • See separate release notes.

Version - VS and VI2 platforms

  • Initial support for VI2 platform
  • New class SoftKey for VI2 platform pushbutton’s status and backlight
  • Added support for AuxVersion_getFPGAVersion() - VS platform

Version - VS platform

Version - VS platform

Version - VS platform

Version - XA/XS/VC/VA and XM2 Linux platforms

  • The entire api code base is converted to use typedefs for integer and float types (int8_t, int16_t etc.), defined in CCAuxTypes.h. This may affect your build if you use functions that previously had "unsigned long" arguments. They should be converted to "unsigned int" or "uint32_t".
  • Memory leaks, security and reliability fixes.
  • ccsettingsconsole: Limited backlight and lightsensor support.
  • Improved stability of firmware updates.

Version - VC/VA Linux platforms

Version - VC Linux platform

  • Bugfixes and documentation updates.

Version - VC Linux platform

Version - XM/XL Windows x86, x64 platform, VC Linux platform

  • XM/XL, Windows: Fixed a bug introduced in where the light sensor data could not be read on XM/XL.
  • CCSettingsConsole: Fixed an issue where some commands did not work in Windows.

Version - XM/XL Windows x86, x64 platform, VC Linux platform

  • ccvideo: Fixed an issue where channels were not displayed correctly in the menu.

Version - XM/XL Windows x86, x64 platform, VC Linux platform

Version - XM/XL Windows x86, x64 platform

  • XM/XL: Fix for an issue with the function Video_getActiveChannel() in x86 API on x64 OS.
  • XM/XL: Support for Power_getCanOCDStatus() and Power_getVideoOCDStatus() with SS v1.2.0.0 or later.
  • XM/XL: Support for optional integrated WLAN on CCpilot XL4.
  • XM/XL: CCsettings: Improved Telematic GUI when not all interfaces are available.
  • XM/XL: SnbService: Improved unit type descriptions: "CCpilot XM" instead of just "XM".
  • XM/XL: CCsettings, CCvideo and TouchCalibrator: QT x86 libraries updated to v4.8.5.

  • Known issues:
    • XA/XS: Same as release
    • XM/XL: Same as release

Version - XM/XL Windows x86, x64 platform and XA/XS Linux platform

  • XA/XS: Functions added: Video_getGraphicsOverlay() and Video_setGraphicsOverlay().
  • XM/XL: 64-bit support. Both x86 and x64 versions of the API can be installed at the same time on x64 systems.
  • XM/XL: SnbService is now a selectable component in the installer.
  • XM/XL: CCsettings: Factory default settings for XL4 updated: ShortButtonPressAction=ActionShutDown, OnOffSigAction=NoAction

  • Known issues:
    • XA/XS: Same as release
    • XM/XL: Same as release

Version - XM/XL x86 platform

Version - XM Linux platform

Version - XA/XS platform

  • XA/XS: Improve initialization of video channels 3/4
  • XA/XS: Prevent scrolling when changing between video channels 3/4
  • Calling Buzzer_buzze() no longer leaks memory

  • Known issues:
    • Same as release (minus Buzzer_buzze memory leak)

Version - XA/XS platform

Version - XA/XS, XM platforms

  • Removed the following functions: Config_get/set TFT Mode/Scan/Mirror
  • Optimized version queries of different firmware components
  • Bugfixes for Backlight and Lightsensor
  • The factory defaults settings in CCsettings no longer generates errors
  • CCSettings and StartupGUI rebranded for maximatecc
  • CCSettings now adapts to the number of CAN ports available
  • Added the following function blocks: Battery, PowerMgr and SmartSmart from 1.x API
  • XM: CCAux2 is now fully supported on the XM platform with the same functionality as in the release.
  • XM: CCAux api will be available for backwards compability. It is compatible back to the release.
  • XA/XS: Config_setRS485Enabled() now sets MP_RS422_MODE GPIO pins to correct state
  • XA/XS: Video_setMirroring() implemented
  • XA/XS: Playing two video channels simultaneously now works (1/2+3/4)
  • XA/XS: Video can be cropped from left/right for channels 3/4
  • XA/XS: Various other improvements for video channels 3/4
  • XA/XS: Video standard now reported correctly
  • XA/XS: ccvideo context menu now appearing consistently
  • XA/XS: ccvideo context menu hanging now fixed
  • XA/XS: ccvideo blanking now fixed
  • XA/XS: ccvideo now handles rotation
  • XA/XS: ccsettingsconsole now up to date
  • XA/XS: Context menu no longer opened while calibrating
  • XA/XS: The PowerOnAtStartup setting ("Always start when power turned on" in CCsettings) was always read as Enabled
  • XA/XS: 1V2 is now a supported ADC channel on some instances
  • XA/XS: Added TS_TCHAUTOCAL in TouchScreen class
  • ccauxd: Fixed issues that caused crash when shutting the daemon off
  • ccauxd: Added support for PowerMgr

  • Known issues:
    • XA/XS: When automatic backlight is enabled, updating SS or Front uC software is very slow and may fail. Workaround: Make sure automatic backlight is disabled before attempting to do any firmware upgrade.
    • XA/XS: CCSettings - Advanced: After Firmware update, the shutdown button does not work. Workaround: Turn off power to the device.
    • Some info/functions are missing from ccsettingsconsole
    • XA/XS: About_hasOsBooted() can return true even when not all drivers have not been loaded (API)
    • XA/XS: Calling Buzzer_buzze() in non-blocking mode leaks memory

Version - XA/XS platform

Version - XA/XS platform

  • Functions added: About_getIsAnybusMounted(), Config_setTFTMode(), Config_getTFTMode(), Video_showFrame() and About_getIOExpanderValue()
  • Fixed rotation issues with GUI applications
  • Many bugfixes

  • Known issues:
    • When automatic backlight is enabled, updating SS or Front uC software is very slow and may fail. Workaround: Make sure automatic backlight is disabled before attempting to do any firmware upgrade.
    • CCSettings - Advanced: After Firmware update, the shutdown button does not work. Workaround: Turn off power to the device.
    • Some info/functions are missing from ccsettingsconsole
    • About_hasOsBooted() can return true even when not all drivers have not been loaded (API)
    • Calling Buzzer_buzze() in non-blocking mode leaks memory
    • ccvideo: Rightclick (long press) menu not appearing consistently
    • Calling Video_showVideo() for ports 3/4 will not return if no camera is attached
    • Cannot show analog video from two ports simultaneously (1/2+3/4), trying to do so leads to crash
    • For ports 3/4, video sometimes scrolls or has wrong size when starting the application first time
    • API calls for analog video currently not supported: get/setMirroring, get/setCropping (for ports 3/4), get/setDeInterlaceMode, get/setScaling, get/setColorKeys
    • ccvideo: Selecting "Mirror image" does not have an effect

Version - XA/XS platform

  • Functions added: Power_getVideoOCDStatus(), Power_getCanOCDStatus() and About_hasOsBooted()
  • Touch calibration can be started from CCSettings
  • 7" touch calibration now supported
  • Many bugfixes

  • Known issues:
    • About_hasOsBooted() can return true even when not all drivers have not been loaded
    • Analog video API only supports VIDEO1/2 ports
    • Video control only supports positioning and resizing
    • The factory defaults button in the Advanced tab in CCSettings produces some error messages. These can be ignored

Version - XA/XS platform

  • Initial release
  • The CCAux API v1.x from the CCpilot XM platform has been rewritten to ensure compability between releases
  • Porting to CCpilot XA/XS platform nearly complete. Some new platform specific functions remain to be implemented
  • The API gives access to several hardware interfaces, for example backlight, buzzer, diagnostics, frontled, lightsensor and analog video interfaces

  • Known issues:
    • Digital input/output does not work correctly
    • CAN settings interface does not work
    • Analog video API only supports VIDEO1/2 ports
    • Video control only supports positioning and resizing
    • SS/Front software update - sometimes crashes before update has begun. When this happens (segmentation fault or Open failed error), restart the unit and try again
    • Font issue in CCSettings causes some text to disappear
    • TouchCalibrator cannot be started from within CCSettings. Instead it can be started manually: # TouchCalibrator -qws
    • The factory defaults button in the Advanced tab in CCSettings produces some error messages. These can be ignored
    • Error messages related to automatic backlight will show the very first time the Display tab in CCsettings is opened. These can be ignored.
    • GetHWErrorStatusString functions do not return correct description of error messages

Known Issues

  • XA/XS: Unsupported API calls for analog video: get/setDeInterlaceMode, get/setScaling, get/setColorKeys, get/setCropping (for ports 3/4)
  • XA/XS: ccvideostream: de-interlacing artifacts with certain output window sizes