4. Board Support Package
To provide the possibility to create custom Linux images for CCpilot devices, a board support package (BSP) has been created. The BSP is a Yocto-project build system that produces complete Linux images for the CCpilot devices. It also includes the necessary application and driver code, as well as example or template code that may serve as a basis for further application and driver development.
The open-source Yocto system has built-in package support with many thousands of maintained packages available, while also providing a set of standard tools and build guidelines. The BSP adds necessary drivers and applications required for the CCpilot board images. For more information regarding the Yocto project, please refer to the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual [8].
4.1 Downloading and installing the BSP
The BSP package comes in the form of a gzipped tar archive which can be acquired from the CrossControl support site. The BSP was created on an x86-64 machine running Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS and must be unpacked to a Linux host machine/build server. A large amount of disk space (400+ GB recommended) and memory is required for the Yocto system, as the directory structure tends to grow quickly in size. Please refer to the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual [8] for information about required dependencies.
4.2 BSP structure
This chapter will go through CrossControl specific parts of the BSP structure. For other third-party components (OpenEmbedded, Yocto, etc.), please refer to their respective reference documentation.
Initially, the BSP base directory will only contain CrossControl directories. All other required third-party tools are provided as hash-files which can be downloaded from remote repositories upon first build. The following subsections will describe these initial directories.
Internet connection is required to build a BSP.
While most components in the BSP are released under various open-source licenses, others are of proprietary nature and protected under the CrossControl Software License. Be aware of which license applies and please comply with the license terms.
VX10 is the internal CrossControl code name for the CCpilot VX10 architecture/platform; therefore, the BSP contains references to the VX10 platform such as “PLATFORM_VX10”. The same applies for other CCpilot devices:
Device |
Code name |
CCpilot X1200 |
x1200 |
CCpilot V700 |
v700 |
CCpilot V1000/V1200 |
v1x00 |
CCpilot V510/V710 |
vx10 |
Yukon development board |
yukon |
Additionally, CrossControl specific components are named “cc”, such as “meta-cc” and “recipes-cc”.
4.2.1 apps
The apps directory contains the source code to CrossControl-developed libraries and applications such as CCAux API library, CCAux daemon, CCSettingsConsole, etc.
4.2.2 drivers
The drivers directory contains the source code to the following CrossControl-developed drivers:
Handles communications between the System Supervisor (SS) and the main processor (MP, i.e. the Linux system) over the MP-SS SPI or I2C bus. This driver is required for the CCAux API to work.
Is used to set the direction of the internal UART, in order to support either bootloader output to the update board or to the serial port of the SS.
4.2.3 binaries
All built images, update files, etc. are placed in the binaries directory which is created upon the first build.
4.2.4 meta-3rd-party
Directory |
Content |
meta-kontron |
This is the base (meta) layer that contains various 3-rd party and Kontron software which is common for all x86 boards produced by Kontron Europe. |
meta-kontron-smarc-sxel |
This is the base (meta) layer that contains various 3-rd party configurations and software tailored to the SMARC-sXEL CPU module (CCpilot X1200) produced by Kontron Europe. |
4.2.5 meta-cc/meta-bsp-<platform>
The BSP ships with the corresponding BSP layer for the target hardware. The BSP layer contains all necessary recipes for providing hardware enablers for the target. The Yukon hardware-based devices also contain the meta-cc/meta-yukonbase layer which has the general parts of the hardware adaptation to reduce overlap between the BSP layers in the hardware family. See Table 4 for more details of the subdirectories.
Directory |
Content |
conf |
meta-cc layer configuration files for the <xx> machines. The machines are based on more general machines. For instance, the ‘v700’ machine is based on the ‘mx6q’ machine, which in turn is based on the ‘mx8’ machine in the meta-freescale layer. |
recipes-bsp |
Contains the u-boot specific patches which adapt the default u-boot configuration for the device’s chipset. |
recipes-cc |
Contains recipes for Crosscontrol specific changes to Crosscontrol packages for particular platforms. |
recipes-connectivity |
Contains recipes for Bluetooth configuration. |
recipes-core |
recipes-graphics |
Platform specific recipes related to graphics (Wayland / Weston / Vulkan-loader). |
recipes-kernel |
Kernel recipes; board-specific kernel patches, device tree, kernel configuration files. |
recipes-multimedia |
Platform specific recipes related to multimedia frameworks such as gstreamer, alsa, pulseaudio (applicable only for few platforms). |
wic |
Wic file particular to the platforms for creating the properly partitioned image. |
4.2.6 meta-cc/meta-cc-distro
The meta-cc-distro directory contains the Yocto layer with all CrossControl CC Linux specific recipes and the recipes for CrossControl developed applications for CC Linux. The distribution is intended to be a general platform which can be used regardless of the device targeted.
4.2.7 meta-cc/meta-cc-security
The meta-cc-security directory contains the Yocto layer with all CrossControl specific recipes related to security such as user login passwords, iptables and secure boot.
4.2.8 meta-cc/meta-cc-yukonbase
The meta-cc-yukonbase directory contains the Yocto layer with all the Crosscontrol specific changes to recipes that is common to all the yukon based platforms (V1x00, VX10).
4.2.9 meta-clang
The meta-clang yocto layer provides clang/llvm as alternative to system C/C++ compiler for OpenEmbedded/Yocto project based distributions. This can cohabit with GNU compiler and can be used for specific recipes or full system compiler.
4.2.10 meta-freescale
The meta-freescale yocto layer provides support for the base and for IMX Arm reference boards to use with OpenEmbedded/Yocto projects.
4.2.11 meta-freescale-3rdparty
The meta-freescale-3rdparty yocto layer provides support for 3rdparty and partner boards to use with OpenEmbedded/Yocto Freescale’s BSP layer.
4.2.12 meta-freescale-distro
The meta-freescale-distro yocto layer provides support for additional items to aid in development and exercise board capabilities to use with OpenEmbedded/Yocto Freescale’s BSP layer.
4.2.13 meta-imx
IMX provides an additional yocto layer called the i.MX BSP Release, named meta-imx, to integrate a new i.MX release with the FSL Yocto Project Community BSP. The meta-imx layer aims to release the updated and new Yocto Project recipes and machine configurations for new releases that are not yet available on the existing meta-freescale and meta-freescale-distro layers in the Yocto Project. The contents of the i.MX BSP Release layer are recipes and machine configurations
4.2.14 meta-intel
The meta-intel yocto layer is a OpenEmbedded/Yocto BSP layer for Intel platforms.
4.2.15 meta-openembedded
OpenEmbedded-Core is a layer containing the core metadata for current versions of OpenEmbedded. It is distro-less and contains only emulated machine support. The meta-openembedded is a repository with collection of layers for the OpenEmbedded-Core.
4.2.16 meta-qt5
The meta-qt5 is a OpenEmbedded/Yocto compatible meta layer that provides recipes for Qt5 modules.
4.2.17 meta-rauc
The meta-rauc yocto layer provides support for integrating the RAUC software update tool into the device.
4.2.18 meta-security
The meta-security layer provides security tools, hardening tools for Linux kernels and libraries for implementing security mechanisms.
4.2.19 meta-virtualization
The meta-virtualization layer provides support for building Xen, KVM, Libvirt, and associated packages necessary for constructing OpenEmbedded-based virtualized solutions.
4.2.20 platform
The platform directory contains a directory for each of the CC Linux devices as well as one common directory. These directories contain environment-setup scripts, extra Makefile rules to build individual system components with bitbake, and the configuration files needed for configuring the build system. The file local.conf can be modified to change the default Yocto download directory etc. If you want to add a new layer to the Yocto build, it must be added to the bblayers.conf file.
When building, the working directory will be located in platform/<xx>/ build.
4.2.21 poky
Poky is an integration layer consists of several upstream projects such as BitBake (Yocto build tool), OpenEmbedded-Core (Core modules for OpenEmbedded projects), meta-yocto layer (which has configuration and hardware support components) and the Yocto documetations. These components are all part of the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded ecosystems.
4.2.22 tools
The tools directory contains scripts to be used for device OS update.
See the CC Linux – Software Guide for instructions on how to use them.
4.2.23 uuu-package
Contains necessary binaries and template files to use with flashing the processor with the NXP provided uuu-tool.
4.3 Using the BSP
The purpose of this chapter is not to give the reader a full description of the Yocto build system and all its possibilities; but rather give useful tips on how to build Linux images and application binaries from within the BSP.
NXP has updated their repository URL as of March 31, 2023. This update has already been implemented in CC Linux 3.3.x and newer versions. However, for previous versions of the BSP, you need to address this issue manually. Please change NXP layers’ recipes URLs to github.com/nxp-imx from source.codeaurora.org/external/imx.
However, performing a manual update requires a significant amount of effort across numerous files. Therefore, we recommend a simple solution: adding the following mirrors to platform/<xx>/local.conf file on your development platform.
git://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/ git://github.com/nxp-imx/
https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/ https://github.com/nxp-imx/
http://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/ http://github.com/nxp-imx/
gitsm://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/ gitsm://github.com/nxp-imx/
4.3.1 Building Linux images
Out of the box, the BSP produces a CC Linux image containing a reference implementation. The reference implementation is intended to be used as a basis for creating custom images.
The first time building the image can take several hours, depending on your host machine. Subsequent builds will be quicker as Yocto reuses all unchanged components from previous builds.
Depending on your host machine, you might need to edit the platform/<xx>/local.conf file. For instance, the default download directory can be changed; and if you have limited disk space, there is a setting for removing temporary files once builds are completed. However, removing temporary files will slow down your build process.
In the BSP root directory there is a Makefile containing rules to make OS (bootloader + rootfs(with kernel)) image, the application image and the software update image for all CC Linux devices.
For instance,
To make the CCpilot V700 release image, type
$ make v700-release-image
To make the CCpilot V1000 OS update image, type
$ make v700-os-update-bundle
make will automatically source the environment scripts in the platform directory and invoke bitbake to bake the image recipe in the meta-cc/recipes-core/images directory.
The resulting image is located in platform/<xx>.
To build your own custom Linux image, either edit the image recipe directly, or make a new recipe and add a new rule for it to the Makefile. If choosing the latter, don’t forget to add a rule to the platform/<xx>/Makefile as well.
See the CC Linux - Software Guide for instructions on how to program the images to the device.
4.3.2 Building applications
Provided there exists a recipe for the application, building with the BSP can be done in two ways. The first method is the most straightforward whereas the second can be more convenient during development as it is faster and more flexible.
- First method:
1. Include the recipe for the application in the image recipe: .. code-block:
IMAGE_INSTALL += “applicationname”
2. Make the image as usual: .. code-block:
$ make <imagerule>
- Second method:
1. Make sure you are in the platform/<xx> directory and source the environment script: .. code-block:
$ source oe-env
2. Use bitbake to build your application: .. code-block:
$ bitbake <applicationname>
Third method:
You may also use devtool to edit and modify the program developed. For details, see the Yocto documentation on how to work with devtool.
- A brief example is shown here.
Run devtool modify <recipename>. This will fetch the sources for the recipe and unpack them to a workspace/sources/<recipename> directory and initialize it as a git repository if it isn’t already one. If you prefer you can specify your own path, or if you already have your own existing source tree you can specify the path along with the -n option to use that instead of unpacking a new one.
Make desired changes to the source.
Run a build to test the changes - you can bitbake <recipename> or build an entire image incorporating the changes assuming a package produced by the recipe is part of an image. It is not necessary to force anything - the build system will detect changes to the source and recompile as required.
If desired, test your changes on the target. There is a “devtool deploy-target” command which will copy the files installed at do_install to the target machine (assuming it has network access and any dependencies are already present in the image).
Repeat from step 2 as needed until happy with the results.
- At this point you will almost certainly want to place your changes in the form of a patch to be applied from the metadata - devtool provides help with this as well. Commit your changes using “git commit” (as many or as few commits as you’d like) and then run either:
◦ devtool update-recipe <recipename> to update the original recipe - usually appropriate if it’s your own recipe or you’re submitting the changes back to the upstream layer
◦ devtool update-recipe -a <layerpath> <recipename> to put your changes in the form of a bbappend to be applied by a different layer. This is usually the desired method if your changes are customisations rather than bugfixes.
If you’re finished working on the recipe, run devtool reset <recipename>.
All methods will put the resulting application binaries in platform/<xx>/build/tmp/work.
In the second method, additional bitbake commands can be invoked. For instance, one can use the –c flag to recompile the application without re-fetching the source files.