# Introduction ## CODESYS CODESYS is a state-of-the-art soft PLC application available as a module in Crosscontrol's LinX Software Suite. CODESYS provides an out-of-the-box fieldbus network infrastructure, e.g. for CANopen and J1939. It features a powerful environment for developing control logics where you can choose between 6 different PLC programming languages. And it comes with a module for fast realization of GUIs. Combined, these features give you a powerful framework for fast realization of a complete control and HMI system. ![CODESYS Logo](screenshots/codesys-logo2.jpg) CODESYS is a device-independent PLC-programming system. Matching the IEC 61131-3 standard it supports most programming languages but also allows for C-routines and supports object orientated programming. In combination with the CODESYS Control Win V3 runtime system it allows multi-device and multi-application programming. The component-based structure makes it possible for a customer-specific configuration and extension of the user interface. ## Crosscontrol Website The CrossControl support site contains links to development environments needed for a CODESYS project. The support site also provides the needed libraries and device description files for CrossControl products. To be able to download components from the support site you need to register a user account. This can easily be done by completing the profile on the following link: Link: [CrossControl.com](https://crosscontrol.com/account/login) And clicking sig up. Registered accounts have access to all the documentation and SW packages needed to start working with the different CrossControl products. The support site also contains several useful and instructive videos, showing how-to use and implement different parts of the CODESYS environment. ## Glossary | Word/Abbreviation | Explanation | | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | **DE** | Data Engine | | **FA** | Fieldbus Access | | **GUI** | Graphical User Interface family | | **API** | Application Programming Interface family | | **IDE** | Integrated Development Environment family | | **UX Designer** | Also known as *LinX Software Suite DevEnv* | | **SAP** | Software Application Platform |