# Troubleshooting
In some cases you will encounter issues that may be difficult to resolve.
In this section we will cover some of the issues that can be easily avoided.
## CODESYS log
CrossControl's CODESYS runtime creates and saves a CODESYS log **"codesys.log"** every time the display boots and CODESYS runtime is enabled on bootup.
This log file is stored in the **/tmp** directory on the display and can be accessed easily:
$ cat /tmp/codesys.log
If you can't access the display then you can look into this log through CODESYS IDE by heading to **Device** and then tab **Log**:

## CODESYS runtime status
Using the **"systemctl"** command, the status of the CODESYS runtime can be monitored easily:
$ sudo systemctl status codesys

With this command you can also start or stop the runtime/application:
$ sudo systemctl start/stop codesys
Or enable and disable the CODESYS runtime's startup on the displays boot up:
$ sudo systemctl enable/disable codesys
## Issues
Issues that may occur during development:
### CCAux not loaded
This issue usually occurs when the CCAux library version does not match the CCAux version on the display or it is missing.
**** ERROR: *** Error: Component CCAux NOT loaded
Ensure that the versions are corresponding on both CODESYS runtime and the display itself!
The image below demonstrates a mismatched version of CCAux leading to it not loading on the runtime, this results in **Unresolved reference** on the CCAux functions:

If there are no **libCCAux.so** files in **/opt/CODESYS** directory, then you are missing the libraries and need to reinstall the CODESYS runtime.
### CCSap not loaded
This is a similar issue where CCSap libraries are missing.
**** ERROR: *** Error: Component CCSap NOT loaded
Contanct support@crosscontrol.com to get access to the CCSap files.
The errors above can be seen both in the **codesys.log** file and in the **Log** tab on **CODESYS IDE** as show in the image in the previous section.
### Mismatched versions
Make sure the PLC **Device** and the CODESYS runtime installed on the display have the same version, otherwise the followng issue will present:

Or lead to more **unresolved** issues:

### Can not log into the device through CODESYS IDE
There are also some cases when you already created a **User name** and **Password** but despite entering the correct username and password, it will still fail to login!

If you experience this issue then a simple solution is to delete the current installation of the CODESYS runtime and reinstall it!
Delete installation files from **/opt** directory:
$ sudo rm -r /opt/CODESYS
Delete the **opkg** installation package:
$ sudo opkg remove | grep codesys
Proceed to download and install the CODESYS runtime as demonstrated in the [Setup](setup.md) section!

Do not hesitate in contacting CrossControl's [Technical support team](https://crosscontrol.com/support/) in case of unresolved issues!