Data Engine runtime

Service management

Data Engine runs as a service and the management is different depending on the system it runs on.

CClinux 2.0/3.0

The runtime starts as a service and can be controlled by systemctl. Use either enable or disable to control if Data Engine should autostart or not:

sudo systemctl enable dataengine
sudo systemctl disable dataengine

The service may also be started or stopped while the system is running:

sudo systemctl start dataengine
sudo systemctl stop dataengine

Output from the service can be checked with journalctl:

sudo journalctl -fu dataengine

Startup arguments

$/opt/bin/dataengineserverApp --help
Data Engine Server version: 3.3.0
  --help            This text.
  --version         Display version information.
  --debug           Turn debug printouts ON.
  --port <port>     Port the server listen on. [Default: 4661]


Display the help information.


Display version information about Data Engine.


Activate additional printouts during execution.


Override default port which clients should connect to.