Issue license

License files are created from the lccgen command line tool which is built when you build the static License Manager library. There are some ways of defining the license described below. You will always need the secret key from your projects folder to issue new licenses. Examples below assumes you have the projects and the install folder besides each other.

Different types of licenses

The most useful below

  • With hardware ID (bounded to one display)

  • Without hardware ID (can be copied to multiple displays, could be used as a demo license)

  • With time limit

  • Without time limit

  • With certain features

  • Without any features set

You can combine some of the types above

Useful arguments to key generator

 -e [ --valid-to ] arg               Specify the expire date for this license.
                                        Format YYYYMMDD. If not specified the 
                                      license won't expire
  -s [ --client-signature ] arg       The signature of the hardware that 
                                      requires the license. It should be in the
                                      format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. If not specified 
                                      the license won't be linked to a specific
                                      hardware (eg. demo license).
  -o [ --output-file-name ] arg       License output file name. May contain / 
                                      that will be interpreded as subfolders.
  -f [ --feature-names ] arg          Feature names: comma separate list of 
                                      project features to enable. if not 
                                      specified will be taken as project name.
  --primary-key arg                   Primary key location, in case it is not 
                                      in default folder
  -p [ --project-folder ] arg (=.)    path to where project configurations and 
                                      licenses are stored.
                                      this license apply to.
  -x [ --extra-data ] arg             Specify extra data to be included into 
                                      the license

License with hardware ID

Will lock this license-file to a specific device

install/bin/lccgen license issue -p projects/ProjectX -s AKAa-UA6C-j78= -o ProjectXApp_Display_1.lic

The generated license ProjectXApp_Display_1.lic can only be used on the display with the hardware ID AKAa-UA6C-j78=

License with time limit

License will work until a specific date in the example below the license file will be valid until 2023-12-24.

install/bin/lccgen license issue -p projects/ProjectX -e 20231224  -o ProjectXApp_Display_Timelimit.lic

License with feature

In example below, lets assume your software has two features you want to enable, called feature1 and feature3. Features are listed as a comma separated list, don’t put space after commas.

install/bin/lccgen license issue -p projects/ProjectX -f feature1,feature3 -o ProjectXApp_features.lic

When validating a license you can check for features.

Combine the above

A time limited license with specific features bound to a specific device.

install/bin/lccgen license issue -p projects/ProjectX -e 20230801 -f feature1,feature3 -s AKAa-UA6C-j78= -o Limited_Display_1.lic

Why project map is important (with secret/public keys)

When building the LM static lib you got the project folder for your software. Within that structure the private_key.rsa is stored which is used when you issue new licenses. Without that file you cannot issue any more licenses. Normally you point out the project folder as in the examples above assuming you named it ProjectX. You can also use the argument like below to pick the private key.

install/bin/lccgen license issue --primary-key projects/ProjectX/private_key.rsa -o DemoLicense.lic

Issue license from any computer

The minimal setup for generating licenses would be having the key generator lccgen and a copy of the private key from the projects folder.
Having the private key in the same folder as lccgen you would not need to provide the path to it via the -p or –primary-key parameter in lccgen. It defaults to private_key.rsa in the same folder.