Revision history






Released. Document compatible with devices running CC Linux 1.4.x.x



Added information about peripherals needing reconfiguration after a resume from suspend event. Document compatible with devices running CC Linux 1.4.x.x



Added CCpilot X900 related information.



Document compatible with devices running CC Linux 2.0.x.x



Added V1000/V1200 related information.



Added Yukon development board related information, table for CC Linux 2.0 supported devices and Display MCU firmware update description.



Add a section for Triggers in Software configuration possibilities.



Minor Revisions.



Yukon now supports CfgIn and PWMOut



Document compatible with devices running CC Linux 3.x.x.x



Updated document with info about V510/V710



Updated document with info about X1200



Document compatible with devices running CC Linux 4.x.x.x

1. Introduction

The devices supported by the CC Linux platforms are powerful display computers, communication devices and controllers with a rich set of integrated functions. Together with the CC Linux operating system, they form an open platform that facilitates easy implementation of reliable controls.

With the introduction of CC Linux 4.0 there have been several improvements to the system, which will break compatibility with previous releases of CC Linux.

  • Software update via Fullup replaced by RAUC software update: One of the biggest change in CC Linux 4.0 is the replacement of in-house software update mechanism Fullup to a de-facto robust software update mechanism RAUC, since the Fullup is non-robust, lacks security mechanisms and the software can be updated only via USB. Also with the Fullup, the system has to be booted into rescue system to update the main system. With the replacement of update mechanism to RAUC, the software can be updated via USB or from local server or from cloud and there is no longer needed to boot into rescue system to update the software. Note that, you have to setup the local server or cloud to host the update softwares, only the support to update from a local server or cloud has been provided.

  • Main/Rescue root filesystem replaced with A/B root filesystem: For the redundancy and to comply with the RAUC software update mechanism, the Main/Rescue root filesystem is replaced with A/B root filesystem. The A and B root filesystems are symmetrical where both the filesystem holds the same folder structure, whereas the Main/Rescue systems on the previous versions of CC Linux are asymmetrical. The symmetrical filesystem makes the software update to be done from one root filesystem to other root filesystem.

  • A/B application filesystem introduced: Previously, in CC Linux 3.0, the user applications were inside the user data partition which has read-write access and anyone has the possiblilty to change the working of applications. To protect the access, a separate application filesystems (A and B) which holds the user applications with the read-only access has been introduced. The application filesystems A and B are tightly coupled with root filesystems A and B. The application filesystem A will be mounted, if the system boots with root filesystem A, likewise the application filesystem B will be mounted, if the system boots up with root filesystem B.

  • Read only root filesystem introduced: To enhance the security and to ensure data integrity, the root filesystem is mounted as read-only (immutable) on boot. With read-only root filesystem, you have no access to modify the root filesystem, which will prevent any malicious binaries to be written to the device.

  • Complete root filesystem overlay replaced with only etc folder overlay: The overlay of complete root filesystem on the previous version of CC Linux version 3.0 is replaced now with only etc folder overlay on CC Linux version 4.0, since most of the user configuartions will be in the etc folder. Considering the complete root filesystem overlay on the previous version, where you can overwrite any part of the root filesystem with the overlay, which might lead to potential issues with the operating system, the etc only overlay has been introduced, where the user can only change configurations, add or remove systemd services, add or remove users and groups.

  • Factory reset functionality updated: The Factory reset functionality has been updated after the removal of Main/Rescue filesystem. Now, the Factory reset can be performed for the root filesystem on which the system has booted up, unlike the previous version of CC Linux, where the factory reset can be performed only from the rescue system. With the replacement of complete root filesystem overlay to only etc overlay, the factory reset will remove only the user made changes or configurations on the overlay etc folder unlike the previous version of CC Linux, where any main system changes or factory installation of some Crosscontrol applications or files supplied with will be removed with complete root filesystem overlay.

  • Security layer enabled by default: On CC Linux 4.0, security layer has been enabled by default with the Cybersecurity 1.0 module. Network firewall (iptables) enabled by default for public networks, drops incoming connections. Private networks and NAT firewall still permissive with rules. Root user account is disabled, so there is no possiblity to login as a root user.

For specific details in CC Linux, please refer to the programmer’s manual.

1.1 Scope

This document is intended for anyone handling a device running the CC Linux platform or developing software for such a device. This document is not intended as a complete reference documentation of the CC Linux devices, software, or software development tools. It is intended to introduce the development engineer to the hardware and software, by providing a top-down overview and summary of the device and a description of the intended use. It is also intended to introduce the reader to the software on the target and the host software development tools.

All devices included in the CC Linux platform (at the time of writing: CCpilot V700, CCpilot V1000, CCpilot V1200, CCpilot V510, CCpilot V710 and the Yukon development board) are covered within this document. Depending on which CC Linux device model you are using, some features mentioned in this document might be unsupported. If so, it will be clearly stated using a greyed-out icon as shown below. If no icons are used, the feature is supported by all device models.

Example of a feature supported by the Yukon development board and unsupported by CCpilot V700, CCpilot V1000 and CCpilot V1200.











There may be slight differences in behavior of supported features depending on your device model. If so, there will be device specific chapters covering the details at the end of this document. Any such occurrence will be clearly stated in the text.

1.1.1. Currently supported devices on CC Linux 4.0

This document, which is the Software Guide for CC Linux 4.0, contains information on what features, and functionalities are supported for each product as described in 1.1. Please contact CrossControl for information about roadmaps of operating system versions and corresponding support for any device of interest.

CC Linux 4.0 supported devices:











1.2 References

[1] CC Linux– Programmer’s Guide

[2] CC Linux- Rauc Guide

[3] CCpilot V700 – Technical Manual

[4] CCpilot V1000/1200 – Technical Manual

[5] CCpilot V510/V710 – Technical Manual

[6] CCpilot X1200 – Technical Manual

[7] CCAux API reference documentation





