Error handling

Fieldbus Access automatically sets up system signals during its initialization face. These signals are accessed for various error information in your application.

CAN bus error

The system signal fieldbusAccess_CANBusError_CAN# receives CAN-Bus info, warning and errors from the SocetCAN driver as follows:

  • WarningLimitSet

  • WarningLimitReset

  • ErrorPassiveSet

  • ErrorPassiveReset

  • BusOff

  • Overrun

  • StuffError

  • FormError

  • AckError

  • CrcError

  • RxBuffHighOverrun

  • RxBuffLowOverrun

  • BusOffReset

  • FirstBusContact


J1939 errors and CAN bus errors are available on the following signals:

J1939 error

With the LinX Manager plugin configured applications will have generated files injected. These files helps with Data Engine connection and communication. System signal fieldbusAccess_J1939Error_CAN# receives listed error codes from the J1939 stack.

Following information is available for each received error message.

Info Description
Bus CAN bus interface #
Level Error level
Code Error Codes
Identifier Error identifier
AddInfo Additional info if available, like PGN concerned
Description Descripton of the error in clear text
Started Time when error was received
Ended Time when the error was cleared (if possible)
Exists True if error still active

J1939 error example

For a table showing received errors, use fieldbusAccessErrorModel and add following to main.qml:

ListView {
    id: errorListView
    width: view.width - exitButton.width
    height: view.height / 1.5
    model: fieldbusAccessErrorModel
    delegate: Rectangle {
        id: listComponent
        width: view.width - exitButton.width
        height: 20
        color: "#333"
        border {
            width: 1
            color: "#777"

        property color textColor: level == 'OK' ? "#fff" : "#f33"

        Row {
            spacing: 25
            topPadding: 2
            Text {
                text: Number.fromLocaleString(addInfo).toString(16).toUpperCase()
                color: listComponent.textColor
            Text {
                text: level
                color: listComponent.textColor
            Text {
                text: description
                color: listComponent.textColor
            Text {
                text: started
                color: listComponent.textColor


Info Level Description Received
FEEE Error A registered message wasn't received in given time 2021-03-18T13:43:09.974
FF71 Error A registered message wasn't received in given time 2021-03-18T13:43:09.974
FEEE Error A registered message wasn't received in given time 2021-03-18T13:43:10.524

For a description of received error codes, please see J1939 Error description


Stack errors, NMT state and bus errors will be available as Data Engine signals:

If loosing connection to Data Engine, the node will go to pre-operational. This behaviour is configurable.

CANopen error

With the LinX Manager plugin configured applications will have generated files injected. These files helps with Data Engine connection and communication. The system signal fieldbusAccess_CANopenError_CAN# receives CANopen stack specific errors.

For a description of received error codes, please see CANopen Error description

CANopen error example

For a table showing received errors, use canopenStatusModel and add following to main.qml:

ListView {
    id: listView
    anchors {
        left: parent.left
        right: parent.right
        margins: 10
    width: view.width - exitButton.width
    height: view.height / 1.5
    model: canopenStatusModel

    delegate: Rectangle {
        id: listDelegate
        implicitWidth: listView.width - exitButton.width
        implicitHeight: 30
        color: "#000"
        border {
            width: 1
            color: "#ccc"
        Row {
            anchors.fill: parent
            anchors.leftMargin: 10
            spacing: 5

            Text {
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                color: "#fff"
                text: bus
            Text {
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                color: "#fff"
                text: type
            Text {
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                color: "#fff"
                text: message
            Text {
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                color: "#fff"
                text: received


CAN-bus Level Description Received
0 Error Successful 2021-03-18T14:54:20.549
0 Status Pre-operational 2021-03-18T14:54:20.549

CANopen status

The system signal fieldbusAccess_CANopenStatus_CAN# receives stack state specific information from the Network Management (NMT).

State Code (hex)
Initialisation 0x00
Pre-Operational 0x04
Operational 0x05
Stopped 0x7F

CANopen status example

To show information about received status, add following to main.qml.

Text {
    anchors.right: parent.right
    anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
    color: "#C00"
    font.pixelSize: 32;
    text: (dataEngine.fieldbusAccess_CANopenStatus_CAN0.value === FieldbusAccessCANopenStatusModel.NodeStateInitialisation) ? "Initialisation" :
            (dataEngine.fieldbusAccess_CANopenStatus_CAN0.value === FieldbusAccessCANopenStatusModel.NodeStateStopped) ? "Stopped" :
            (dataEngine.fieldbusAccess_CANopenStatus_CAN0.value === FieldbusAccessCANopenStatusModel.NodeStateOperational) ? "Operational" :
            (dataEngine.fieldbusAccess_CANopenStatus_CAN0.value === FieldbusAccessCANopenStatusModel.NodeStatePreOperational) ? "Pre Operational" : "N/A";


Pre Operational