
Please refer to our Knowledge Base for further information and troubleshooting guides.

Plug-in not available after installation

Verify that the plugin is activated in Qt Creator:

  1. Open Help and select About Plugins.

  2. Locate section Utilities in the list of plugins.

  3. Verify that LinXManager_DataEngine is available and loaded.

Application does not connect with Data Engine

Verify that Data Engine is running on localhost if the application outputs any of the following messages:

  • connect: Connection refused written

  • connect: Connection refused

  • virtual void QtObserver::HandleMissedHeartBeat() Heartbeat is late!

Signal value is not updated in GUI

“Cannot read property ‘value’ of undefined”

Verify that the referenced name matches the configured name.

Text {
    text: dataEngine.engineRPM.value    // OK

Text {
    text: dataEngine.enginRPM.value     // Not OK, misspelled signal name

Signal value is not possible to set

“Cannot assign to read-only property “value””

Verify that the signals Signal Type is configured as PRODUCER.

Button {
    text: "Request stop"
    onPressed: dataEngine.producerSignal.value = true   // OK
    onReleased: dataEngine.consumerSignal.value = false // Not OK 

“Unknown signal id (provided id: 0)”

Signal is written before the subscription phase with Data Engine is completed. Verify that Data Engine is running on localhost. If Data Engine is running, verify how the signal is set from QML. Assign a value to the signal rather than using of using setValue() is recommended.

Button {
    text: "Request stop"
    onPressed: dataEngine.requestStop.value = true      // Recommended
    onReleased: dataEngine.requestStop.setValue(false)  // Not recommended 