4. Pre-installed console applications

In addition to the standard Linux utilities the device comes pre-installed with a few CrossControl developed console applications. The purpose of the pre-installed applications is to provide a quick and easy overview of the device’s function and enable easy device control.

4.1 CCSettingsConsole

CCSettingsConsole is a console application for controlling the device settings (LED and buzzer settings, on/off behavior, etc.) using the CCAux API.

CCSettingsConsole can be used to alter the way the device starts up or shuts down, update firmware and change important settings. Only change these settings if you know what you are doing.

CCSettingsConsole can be run either remotely over ssh or locally by connecting a keyboard to the device and opening a terminal from CCLauncher or Weston, depending on your device settings.

To get a description of how to use the application, run the following command:

$ sudo ccsettingsconsole --help

Settings are grouped into categories like LED, buzzer and Diagnostics, to name a few. The following command is helpful to get a complete list of available categories their possible settings:

$ sudo ccsettingsconsole --list

For each category it is possible to:

  • read all current settings at once:

$ sudo ccsettingsconsole --category
  • read one setting:

$ sudo ccsettingsconsole --category --setting
  • set one setting:

$ sudo ccsettingsconsole –category --setting=value

4.1.1 Buzzer settings example

As an example, run the following command to get the current buzzer settings:

$ sudo ccsettingsconsole --buzzer
Buzzer Frequency: 2600
Buzzer Volume: 400
Buzzer status:  Disabled.

And the following to change the buzzer settings to 1000 Hz frequency, volume 200, enabled:

$ ccsettingsconsole --buzzer --frequency=1000
Buzzer frequency set to: 1000 Hz.
$ ccsettingsconsole --buzzer --volume=200
Buzzer volume set to: 200
$ ccsettingsconsole --buzzer --status=Enable
Buzzer status set to enable.

4.2 CCSystemReport

CCSystemReport is a utility program to print out various system diagnostics on the console. To execute the program, run the following command:

$ ccsystemreport
The diagnostics information contains following information depending on the device:
  • Installed software versions

  • EEPROM data

  • System diagnostics

  • Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) values

  • CPU board information

  • Settings and log files

4.3 CCAux daemon

The CCAux daemon (ccauxd) is a background service designed to:
  • Read status and event requests from the SS and initiate system restart and shutdown sequences, for example events triggered by button presses.

  • Set the button status LED (or backlit soft keys) according to a predefined set of rules.

  • Manage automatic backlight levels.

  • Implement the PowerMgr feature set, which is configurable from the CCAux API.

The daemon can be removed if needed functionality is implemented in user software.

$ sudo systemctl disable ccauxd.service