
CrossControl strives towards sustainability and circularity through a systematic approach. Products are produced with a life cycle perspective to achieve sustainable development according to relevant environmental, social and economic aspects. The business is certified to ISO 14001 and we have systems in place for compliance with the RoHS and REACH directives.

ISO 14001:2015 certificate  >


ENVIRONMENTAL POLICYCrossControl has been working, and will continue to work, to prevent environmental impact and minimize the risks for harming the environment from our operations. CrossControl shall consider sustainable development due to environmental, social and economic aspects in all decisions taken for reaching CrossControl’s vision to make machines smart, safe and productive.

We achieve this through the following measures:

  • Compliance with applicable environmental laws and ISO 14001 delivered through an effective business system
  • Using a well-structured approach and continuous improvements in operations
  • Identifying and minimizing environmental hazards from our products and operations
  • Material and packaging efficiency
  • Involving our suppliers to reach our goals
  • Reducing impact to the climate from transportation and travel
  • Minimizing the use of non-environmentally friendly chemicals and materials
  • Recycling of waste from materials and operations

To succeed in our policy, we will need to implement and communicate our environmental work within the company. All employees receive education about our environmental goals and policy, and we work to show how each unit can contribute for reaching our goals. We also have transparency towards external stakeholders regarding our environmental work and its impact.


Products and materialsOur products are produced with a life cycle perspective to achieve sustainable development according to relevant environmental, social and economic aspects.

PackagingWhere possible, we choose materials for packaging that are resource effective, recyclable and circular.

SuppliersWe work together with our suppliers to find the best solution that is consistent with all our environmental goals.


Travel and transportationWe work together with stakeholders, customers and suppliers to reduce our impact on climate from both transportation and travel.

ChemicalsChemicals and substances that need to be used in our products and processes shall be thoroughly evaluated to minimize harm for both health and the environment

Waste and recyclingWe work towards circularity regarding waste, and the awareness among our employees of how to recycle continuously improves

DeliveryOur on-time delivery for 2020 was 98%, a figure we strive to improve on. We work with our customers and suppliers to ensure capacity, production and delivery goals are met and we have a robust business continuity plan in place.

QualityWe have high standards for both our own
products and from our suppliers. We achieve
and maintain this level of quality through
a robust business management system,
extensive testing and thorough process tracing.

Life Cycle ManagementAt CrossControl we have developed a robust product
Life Cycle Management policy that covers our devices
from initial inception to end-of-life status, a period
usually of 15 years.

CostTo deliver our high-quality products at the best possible price we work with our global sourcing team, long standing manufacturer relationships, new productivity initiatives and increased levels of automation at our assembly plant in Alfta.

Safety CrossControl systematically monitors & improves work safety. Weekly Gembawalks are performed
in our production and these walks focus on safety observations and 6S. Total Case Incident
Rate for 2020 was 0.